Old Ironmaster Inn, Reading, PA October 17, 1982

Our host at our first annual reunion was P. Elwood Shurr, senior member of the family. Much of what is written here came from him. Many others participated. I have not bothered to identify each individual and I have chosen the editorial privilege of not writing word for word. A tape was made during the day and anyone that wants may borrow it.

Our grand-father was Peter R. Shurr. Grandmom's name was Sarah. Her maiden name was Sarah Ann Romig. Mom's maiden name was Hummel. Her mother's maiden name was Zerber. Her father was born in Reading. His name was Harry. He came from the Lenhartsville area. He left home to go to work one morning and never showed up again. They never found him, never found out what happened to him or anything else. He was our grand-father on Mom's side. He worked in a cement works up in that area somewhere and as Elwood understands it, seven years after he disappeared Mom's mother had him declared legally dead and she re-married. She had to have him declared dead in order to collect his insurance and the back pay he had coming from the cement works.

There is more to this that I will type in as time allows.
From a tape of the reunion transcribed by Clyde Shurr.

Created by Scott Shurr, 5 June 1999, Updated 21 January 2012. Contact Scott Shurr at sshurr@gmail.com.